Use these guidelines for all Acas research and evaluation reports, before submitting a first draft.
The guidelines will help you to:
format your report
make sure your report is accessible for users with different needs
The Government Analysis Function also produces guidance on report style. We occasionally reference or link to this. Where their guidance is different to ours, you should follow the Acas guidance.
Accessibility regulations
Accessible content considers disabled people. This includes people with:
sensory impairments – for example, limited vision
motor impairments – for example, people who use voice to navigate
cognitive impairments – for example, dyslexia
Important: The Acas website must be accessible. This is by law: The Public Sector Bodies (Websites and Mobile Applications) (No. 2) Accessibility Regulations 2018.
The law says all public sector websites must conform to:
"Level A and AA Success Criteria as set out in the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines recommended by the World Wide Web Consortium".
These guidelines will help make your reports as accessible as possible. However:
there's no exhaustive list of instructions you can follow to guarantee all aspects of a report will be accessible
reports might still need some amendments after drafting
we might still suggest changes to documents, figures or tables you send us
Contact us
We encourage authors to:
supply first drafts early
ask questions if you're not sure
give us feedback on these guidelines
You can do all of these things through your Acas contact.
2. Using the Acas report template
Use these guidelines to format your report document.
This will help us understand the structure of your report and prepare it for publishing.
We publish most research and evaluation reports in HTML. This means the whole report is on a webpage, instead of a downloadable document. For longer reports, we may publish an executive summary on a webpage, with a full report available to download. Your Acas contact will make this decision.
The Acas template
Use the Acas template Word document that has the correct styles already set. Please do not modify or amend the styles.
If you use a different word processing package, speak to your Acas contact for guidance on how to format your text.
Use the built-in styles
Use these styles that are built in to the Word template:
Heading 1 – main title of the report and nothing else
Heading 2 – chapter or section titles
Heading 3 – subheadings
Normal – main body text (most of the report)
Caption – figure labels
Caption-table – table labels (this is not a built-in Word style, but is set up in the Acas template)
Do not skip levels. For example, do not go from Heading 1 to Heading 3.
Using the built-in styles will make sure the report is in line with Acas house style. It will also make it easier for users of assistive technology to navigate.
Create lists of contents, figures and tables
In your document, create a:
table of contents
list of figures – if the report contains charts and diagrams
list of tables – if the report contains tables
To do this, use the built-in tools in Word or your word processing package.
Do not embed logos
Do not embed logos in the report, for example in headers or footers.
3. Acas house style
Follow these guidelines when you're writing a report.
We've included the most common things to consider. There are more style points in the full Acas style guide.
If you have any questions, ask your Acas contact.
Report length
Generally, aim for around 8,000 to 10,000 words, unless otherwise agreed with your Acas contact.
This is around 25 pages, including charts and tables.
Use appendices if necessary but keep these brief. These are not counted in the word or page count.
Sentence and paragraph length
Keep paragraphs short – maximum 5 lines per paragraph.
Also keep sentences clear and short. Aim for a maximum of 15 to 20 words.
Fonts and text formatting
Century Gothic size 12 is our standard font for anything being published in a document. This is built into the Acas report template.
To format your text:
do not use italics or bold
left-align all text – do not justify text
do not use text boxes – these are not accessible
Acronyms and initialisms
Only use acronyms and initialisms on their own if they're very well known – for example, HR, EU, UK.
In all other cases, write out acronyms and initialisms in full. Include the acronym or initialism in brackets the first time.
For example, write 'employee assistance programme (EAP)' the first time you use it. Then 'employee assistance programme' after that.
Use 'covid-19 (coronavirus)' when first mentioning it. Then 'covid' after that or in titles.
Generally, do not use abbreviations.
use 'for example' – do not use 'e.g.' or 'eg'
use 'that is' or an alternative phrase – do not use 'i.e.' or 'ie'
Grammar and style
You should:
use plainer terms where these are available
use 'Acas' not 'ACAS'
use Acas as singular ('Acas is' not 'Acas are') – the possessive is Acas's
avoid the passive voice – say 'the evidence showed' rather than 'it was found that'
keep phrases short – for example 'to' instead of 'in order to'
only use hyphens to join words together – use an en dash in all other cases
use the appropriate word, not a forward slash (/) – for example 'employers and employees', not 'employers / employees'
write years as '2024 to 2025' – not '2024-2025' or '2024/2025'
only use "double quotes" when directly quoting – otherwise use 'single quotes'
Use these guidelines:
write clear headings that will help users to navigate through the report
do not duplicate headings
find a way to differentiate similar headings – for example 'Quantitative methodology' and 'Qualitative methodology', not 'Methodology 1' and 'Methodology 2'
number section headings – for example '1. Introduction'
use sentence case
Inclusive language
You should:
refer to the Acas style guide for more information on using inclusive language
make it clear where you're quoting someone else's language
If you're working on something that's specifically about certain protected characteristics, speak to your Acas contact. They can give you more details about appropriate language.
Add links as text that describes where the link goes.
write all numbers in numerals – including 1 to 9 and 0
for numbers over 999, insert a comma for clarity – 9,000
consider whether it would be clearer to write numbers as words; always write very large numbers (1 million or more) in words – 6 million not 6,000,000
use a % sign for percentages – 50%
use a 0 where there's no digit before the decimal point – 0.5
use a £ symbol when writing an amount of money (or applicable currency)
use 'to' in numerical ranges – '16 to 24' not '16-24'
where you do not need exact numbers, round them up or down – £148.6 million instead of £148,646,000, 63% instead of 62.98% (round up for numbers ending in 5 or above)
remove decimals where they're not needed – £10 is easier to read than £10.00 but £10.56 is okay if it needs to be an exact number
write years as '2024 to 2025' – not '2024-2025' or '2024/2025'
5. Footnotes, endnotes and references
We recognise that research reports often need to include references or more detailed descriptions. Use the points below to guide you on this.
Footnotes and endnotes
Follow this guidance:
do not use footnotes or endnotes – add the text into the main body of the document in brackets after the point being made
keep technical notes brief and in the main body of the document if at all possible
where technical notes cannot be kept brief enough to include in the main text, add them at the end of the report – add a reference in the main text on where to find them, for example: 'see Appendix 2 for survey questions'
Use the Harvard referencing style:
this includes short references in text, and full references in an appendix at the end of the document
use 'et al' in references where applicable
do not use 'ibid' – just repeat the short reference in text
6. Charts and diagrams
Charts, graphs and other figures can make information easier for users to understand.
However, they can be difficult for some users to read. For example, people who:
use a screen reader
have difficulty distinguishing colour, for example someone who is colour blind
When to use a chart or image
Images should be assistive. Never use an image as the only way of communicating information.
If information can be conveyed without an image, this is often more accessible and clearer. For example, a table might convey everything that would have been in a chart, or just a sentence or two might be enough.
Charts need to be simple and easy for readers to understand. Use these principles:
do not use charts just to add colour, or just to break up the text
do not use images that are purely text – move the text into the body of the report instead
convey minimal messages in each chart
combine data if the fine detail is not needed – for example combine 'very likely' and 'fairly likely' into just 'likely'
ideally, have no more than 4 data categories
you should only need a couple of sentences to describe the message – if you cannot describe a chart in a couple of sentences, it needs simplifying
if the font in a chart is smaller than the font in the body of the report, the chart needs simplifying
What chart to use
Different statistical relationships require different types of charts.
do not reorder the colours in the Government Analysis Function colour palette – they've been ordered to ensure an accessible contrast ratio, and reordering may mean the contrast is no longer accessible
use white for data labels on dark blue, dark pink and dark grey
use black for data labels on turquoise, orange and light purple
Data labels
You should:
add data labels either in the centre or outside the end of the data section
make data labels bold to increase contrast
amend the label colour if needed (white on dark colours, black on lighter colours)
if data labels are too 'squished' or overlap, move them outside the data section – but keep them aligned with the appropriate data section
for line charts, label the lines instead of using a legend
for pie charts, include the series name in the data label instead of using a legend
do not include a chart header in your image – this will sit outside of your image, in the body of the report
do not outline the chart (for example, with a border), or the sections in the chart (for example, with white borders)
For charts using only one colour, do not include a legend.
Where charts use more than one colour:
always supply a legend
orient and order it to match the data in the chart – it's helpful to add a note below the chart explaining this
Text in images
You should:
keep text in images limited – do not try to cram too much information in
only include text that needs to be in the chart – such as data or axes labels
include additional context in the body of the report – for example number of respondents, date, source
use Century Gothic, size 12, black (unless another colour is needed for contrast, such as in data labels)
align all text horizontally, never vertically
You should:
remove unnecessary axes
add axes labels if needed – these should always be oriented horizontally, not vertically
start all numerical axes at 0
Writing about charts
Everything in an image also needs to be presented elsewhere in your report. This is so anyone who cannot see the image can access the same information.
Present the information in text as well
All images should include the following:
key messages in the text before the image – include the base number here if relevant, and the figure number, for example: 'Of the 1,500 people who participated in the survey, the majority (80%) said they found Acas helpful (figure 3.2)'
a figure caption
alternative text that briefly describes the image – see the section on writing descriptive alt text
a data table below the image giving all the data in the image – use our guidance on tables
Write a figure caption
Write a concise statistical figure caption for each image. Use sentence case.
Use this format: 'Figure [number]: [name of the figure]'
For example: 'Figure 1: Survey response rates per month of call'
Do not add descriptive subtitles such as 'The number of survey responses increased from month to month'. Include this type of information in the body of the report.
Format captions using the style 'caption'. This is built into the Acas report template.
Write descriptive alt text
Alt text – short for alternative text – is a short description of an image. If someone cannot see an image, the alt text describes what's in it.
Write alt text for every image in your report. Put these in a comment attached to the chart title, with 'Alt text' at the start of the comment.
To write good alt text for website images:
keep it short – ideally 1 or 2 sentences
only communicate what someone would get from viewing the image
give a summary of the point the image is making
direct readers to the data table or expanded description – for example, 'Full data is in the following table' or 'Full description is in the previous text'
add anything more complicated in body text for everyone to read
Example 1 – alt text for simple chart
'Pie chart showing that 87% of respondents were employees and 13% employers.'
Instead of: 'Chart showing the number of respondents who were employees and employers' – this does not describe what someone would get from viewing the image
Example 2 – alt text for more detailed chart
'Bar chart showing that senior managers and immediate line managers were the most common people who users passed on Acas information to. As outlined in the surrounding text.'
Instead of: 'Bar chart showing responses to question E2' – this does not communicate what the image is showing
Example 3 – alt text for a very complex image
'Flowchart showing the early resolution process, as described in the following text.' – this image is very detailed and it's not possible to describe in a couple of sentences
Instead of: 'Flowchart showing the early resolution process.' – this does not explain that there's more information available in the body text
If the image is too detailed to describe in the body of the report, move the description to an appendix. The alt text might then say: 'Flowchart showing the early resolution process, described in full in Appendix 1 'Description of early resolution process'.'
Logic models, flowcharts and Theory of Change diagrams
These are often complex charts that would be difficult to describe in the text or alt text. Therefore, it helps to keep them as simple as possible.
For the image itself:
for very complex diagrams, consider whether they could be broken up into stages, with one diagram per stage
consider moving some parts to the body of the text, like assumptions or context that don’t have to be in the chart
our general guidance on charts still applies
For presenting the information in text:
put a short summary of the image content in the text of the report
use a numbered list to make the process clearer to follow in text
if the chart is too complex to describe in text (usually defined as requiring more than a paragraph), put a full description into an annex at the end of the report, and add a link to the annex in the body of the report
Chart examples
Read the guidance on this page alongside this template document:
a written description of what the chart contains, above the chart
a figure caption
the chart itself
a data table
alt text
The style 'caption' in the Acas report template may display differently to this example. Please continue to use the built-in style in your document.
The example starts here:
As shown in Figure 3.2, 2022 delegates were most likely to work in the private sector (42%), representing a fall from 67% in 2016. In 2022 delegates were more likely to work for public or charity sector organisations than in 2016 (23% in 2022 compared with 16% in 2016). There was a clear over-representation of employees from the private and charity sectors attending Open Access training.
Figure 3.2: Industry sector of delegates' organisation
Note: the legend order reflects the order of the data in the chart.
Data table: Industry sector of delegates' organisation
Percentage of delegates (2016)
Percentage of delegates (2022)
Charity or social enterprise
Not applicable
Alt text for the image reads:
A bar chart showing the breakdown of delegates by sector in 2016 and 2022. Private sector remains the largest group but has fallen from 67% to 42%. Public and charitable organisations have increased. Full data is in the following table.
7. Tables
Only use tables to present numbers and percentages.
If a table only contains text, this should be in the body of the report.
Make your tables accessible
For all tables:
keep them simple – if there's a lot of data, think about splitting the data between tables
try to use more rows than columns – a tall, narrow table is easier to read than a short, wide one
always use a header row – to help screen readers understand the table layout
use a header column – if the first column contains headings
do not merge or split cells
do not have empty cells – use 'no data' or 'not applicable' instead of n/a
if you need a 'total' row, put this in the bottom row of the table
if the table includes percentages, the 'total' should be 'not applicable' (written out), not listed as 100%
Table captions
Include a table caption for each table. Keep the table caption as short as possible. Use sentence case.
Use this format: Table [number]: [Name of the table]
For example – Table 1: Survey response rates per month of call
Do not use a descriptive caption (one that describes the message of the table).
Use the style 'caption-table' to format table captions. This is built into the Acas report template.
Table source or base
If the table has a source or base that's different to the rest of the report, add this directly below the table.
Use this format: Source: [Name], Base: [Name]
For example – Source: YouGov polling data, June 2024, Base: All employer representatives
The style 'caption-table' in the Acas report template may display differently to this example. Please continue to use the built-in style in your document.