
Join us to discuss the new flexible working legislation being introduced in April. We will also look in detail at the updated Acas Code of Practice.

With these coming into effect, employers should make sure their policies and practices are up to date.

In this session we will talk about:

  • the new laws
  • the impact the new legislation might have on your organisation
  • guidance on how to handle flexible working requests
  • the current thinking around good practice

You will also get:

  • executive-level insight from experts and market leaders
  • the opportunity to ask questions
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Peter Cheese – Chief Executive, CIPD

Peter writes and talks widely about the future of work, leadership and people and skills.

In this session, he will talk about the benefits of greater flexibility and the 'Happy to Talk Flexible Work' campaign.

Susan Clews – Chief Executive, Acas

Susan will talk about Acas's statutory Code of Practice on flexible working requests and the expected effect on employment relations.

Claire Campbell – Chief Executive, Timewise

Claire was promoted to Chief Executive of Timewise in 2023. She leads their strategy and is often out talking to employers, funders and clients.

In this session, Claire will talk about why more flexible working requests have been rejected recently.

Jane Van Zyl – Chief Executive, Working Families

Jane joined Working Families as Chief Executive in September 2018. Previously, she has held senior leadership positions in UK charities like Samaritans and Sands.

In this session, Jane will highlight some of the great employers that have exceeded the Working Families benchmark. She will also talk about the benefits of culture change.

At a glance