Discipline, grievance or appeal hearing – content pattern

There are different patterns depending on whether you're writing about:

  • disciplinary hearings
  • appeal hearings
  • grievance meetings


Disciplinaries usually involve:

  • 1 or more investigatory meetings (with the 'accused' and possible witnesses)
  • a final hearing with the accused – followed by a decision
  • an appeal hearing (if needed)

When to use this pattern

Use this pattern on first mention of 'hearing' in content as some people might not know what it means.

The pattern

[intro specific to topic where 'hearing' is first mentioned]. [This / A hearing ] is a meeting where [the employer / your employer / you] consider[s] / hear[s] all the evidence before making a decision.


After carrying out an investigation, your employer should invite you to a disciplinary 'hearing'. This is a meeting where your employer considers all the evidence before making a decision.


Grievances usually involve:

  • an initial meeting with the employee (this is sometimes called a hearing)
  • 1 or more investigatory meetings
  • a decision in writing – not involving any further meeting or hearing
  • an appeal hearing (if needed)

When to use this pattern

Use this pattern on first mention of grievance meeting.

The pattern

[intro specific to topic where a grievance meeting is first mentioned]. A grievance meeting is sometimes called a 'hearing'.


When an employee raises a formal grievance, the employer should hold a meeting with them. A grievance meeting is sometimes called a 'hearing'.


An appeal hearing involves considering the points made in the appeal to make a final decision.

When to use this pattern

Use this pattern on first mention of 'hearing' in content as some people might not know what it means.

The pattern

[intro specific to topic where 'hearing' is first mentioned]. [This / A hearing ] is a meeting where [the employer / your employer / you] consider[s] the points made in the appeal before making a final decision.


After you've raised an appeal, your employer should invite you to an appeal 'hearing'. This is a meeting where your employer considers the points made in the appeal before making a final decision.

Things to remember

On first mention, put 'hearing' in inverted commas, because it's a legal term.