A new survey from Acas on the right to request flexible working from day one of starting a job.
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Employer poll: changes to working practices after coronavirus (COVID-19), June 2021
Results of a poll asking employers about changes they expect for a range of working practices.
Consultation on Making Work Pay: creating a modern framework for industrial relations − Acas response
Acas Council response to the government's consultation on creating a modern framework for industrial relations.
Summary of responses to Acas consultation on draft Code of Practice on handling requests for a predictable working pattern
Acas consultation outcome
Summary of responses to Acas consultation on draft Code of Practice on handling requests for a predictable working pattern.
Returning to work after absence - Phased returns
How employers can support employees to return to work gradually, for example with reduced hours or lighter workload.
Occupational health - Occupational health assessments
What happens in an occupational health assessment and how recommendations should be used.
Written statement template: employee
Template for an employee's 'written statement of employment particulars'.
Written statement template: worker
A template for the 'written statement of employment particulars' for workers.
Holiday entitlement - Sickness and statutory leave
What happens with holiday when someone is on statutory leave or off sick.
Occupational health - Using occupational health at work
When an employer might use an occupational health service to help them make decisions.