An employer can ask a worker if they'll agree to an assessment with an occupational health adviser.
The worker does not have to agree to an occupational health assessment but it can help to:
- get any support they need
- return to work safely and more quickly
- avoid their employer making big decisions without important information
An occupational health adviser carries out the assessment. They must check with the worker first that they can show their report to the employer.
An occupational health report can help the employer understand what someone needs to:
- feel better
- return to work
- be able to do their job
- avoid anything that could cause further health or absence issues
What happens in an occupational health assessment
An occupational health adviser might ask the worker about:
- their health
- any treatment they're having
- any concerns they have about returning to work
Sometimes the occupational health adviser might need to get more information from the worker's doctor. In this case, the worker should be told the reason and asked to sign a consent form.
The worker has the right to see the doctor's report before it is sent to the occupational health adviser.
Whether someone gets paid for attending occupational health appointments should be written in the organisation's policy, so it's a good idea to check. If a disabled worker is put at a disadvantage because their employer does not pay for their time, this could be disability discrimination.
Example of using occupational health at work
Kai has a back injury. Their employer asks an occupational health adviser to carry out an assessment.
The assessment says that the worker needs their work chair adjusted. The employer considers this reasonable and arranges the adjustment. This helps Kai work comfortably and avoids making their injury worse.
How an occupational health assessment is used
An occupational health assessment is a useful addition to a fit note or a doctor's medical report. This is because an occupational health assessment is more focused on:
- how someone does their job
- how the job might affect someone's health
The employer should consider the recommendations of both the occupational health assessment and doctor's report to help them decide what to do.
If there is any conflicting advice, they should talk with their worker and come to an agreement on the best course of action.
The employer and worker can then plan how to support them and help them return to work wherever possible.
They might agree that the worker needs:
- more time off work
- a referral for an appropriate course of therapy, for example physiotherapy or counselling
- adjustments to their workspace, for example an ergonomic chair
- a phased return to work, for example reduced working hours or lighter duties
Depending on the health issue, the worker's progress might need to be assessed again before a firm agreement can be made about their return to work or to full duties.
It's up to the employer to decide whether to put in place the recommendations from the occupational health assessment. Their decision should be informed by the needs of the organisation but also their legal obligations to the worker.
Making reasonable adjustments
The occupational health report might recommend adjustments.
By law, employers must make reasonable adjustments when they know, or could reasonably be expected to know, someone is disabled.
An employer does not have to make adjustments that are unreasonable. However, they should still find other ways to support someone. This could include making other adjustments that are reasonable.
Find out more about making reasonable adjustments at work
Keeping information confidential
The employer must keep any information they get about a worker confidential. The information should only be available to those who genuinely need access to it. This could include the worker's line manager and the HR team.
The employer should keep the worker informed of how they're storing and using the report about their health.
The employer should also let their worker know from the start how to withdraw their consent to a report, if they later wish to.
Raising a problem about occupational health
If a worker has a problem relating to occupational health, they should raise it with their employer. For example if:
- they're unhappy with how occupational health has been used
- reasonable adjustments have not been made
- they're unhappy with how their confidential information has been handled
It's usually best to raise a problem informally first. They can do this by talking with their employer.
Find out more about raising a problem at work
Contact the Acas helpline
If you have any questions about occupational health, contact the Acas helpline.