If you have a workplace dispute and want to make a claim to an employment tribunal, you must tell Acas first.
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Job references - If you cannot get a reference
What you can do if you cannot get a reference from an employer.
Consulting employees and representatives - What consultation is
Advice on when and how an employer should hold a consultation and who they should consult.
It’s time to talk about loneliness
Acas policy adviser Simone Cheng looks at the impact of loneliness on our health and wellbeing.
Managing staff redundancies - Step 5: Select employees
How to select employees for redundancy in a fair way, including selection criteria, selection pools and scoring.
Changes to your contract - Proposing changes to your employer
Advice for employees on what to consider if you want to ask your employer for employment contract changes.
Sex discrimination - Types of sex discrimination
Examples of sex discrimination at work, including direct and indirect discrimination, harassment and victimisation.
Preventing discrimination - Public sector equality duty
Advice for public sector employers on their legal responsibility to prevent discrimination under the public sector equality duty.
Paternity leave and pay - Attending appointments
Rights for time off work to attend pregnancy, surrogacy or adoption appointments for an employee taking paternity leave.
TUPE: redundancy - Redundancy pay
Which employer is responsible for redundancy pay in a TUPE transfer.