We are seeking feedback on the new Acas Code of Practice on handling requests for a predictable working pattern.
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Organisational case studies on flexible working: variations in practice
Independent research
Research looking at the flexible working practices in 5 different organisations across 5 sectors and their differences.
Holiday entitlement - How much holiday someone gets
How much annual leave an employee should get by law.
Acas modern slavery and human trafficking statement
What Acas is doing to minimise the potential risk of modern slavery in its business and supply chains, in line with the Modern Slavery Act 2015.
Implementing flexible working - What flexible working is
What flexible working is, benefits and steps for employers to use it in their organisation.
Race discrimination - The law on race discrimination
What race discrimination is, what you can do if you experience it at work, and what employers should do.
Bonuses - When employees are off work
How bonuses should be paid to employees on leave including maternity, shared parental, adoption, suspension, holiday and sick leave.
Managing sickness absence - Reducing absence
Steps an employer can take to help reduce sickness absence levels in their organisation.
Covid and work - Self-isolation
When someone should self-isolate because of covid-19 (coronavirus), including advice on self-isolation policies.
Contracts and working arrangements: research and commentary
Publications and commentary on the challenges and solutions of different ways of working, from flexible work to insecure contracts and the gig economy.