Advice about the law on work-related stress, including discrimination and carrying out stress risk assessments.
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Talking with your employer about a problem - Informal meetings
Advice on informal meetings, including how to prepare and what to expect.
National Minimum Wage - If your employer pays less
What you can do if you have not been paid the correct National Minimum Wage or National Living Wage.
Whistleblowing at work - The law
Who is protected by law if they whistleblow and what the law protects whistleblowers from.
Free advice on employment law, HR processes and good practice for employees and employers.
Sexual harassment - Handling a complaint
How employers should deal with sexual harassment complaints.
Covid: advice for employers and employees
Advice for employees, employers and workplaces during the covid-19 (coronavirus) pandemic.
Sexual harassment - Witnessing sexual harassment
If you've seen someone else being sexually harassed at work, you can act as a witness or make a sexual harassment complaint yourself.
Disciplinary procedure - Step 1: Understanding the options
The steps an employer should take to deal with a disciplinary issue.
Handling bullying and discrimination - Formal complaints
How and when employers should deal with bullying and discrimination complaints formally, using a formal grievance procedure.