Acas templates for a disciplinary or grievance investigation plan and report.
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Acas helpline data: July to September 2024
Statistical bulletin
Data for the Acas helpline from July to September 2024.
Templates for employees
Letter templates for employees to use. Free to download and use.
Investigations at work - Step 5: After an investigation
The investigation report, carrying on the disciplinary or grievance procedure, or deciding on no action.
Witnessing discrimination - Supporting someone's complaint
Ways you can support a colleague who's been discriminated against, including making a witness statement and appearing as a witness at a grievance hearing.
Past webinar recordings
Find and watch past Acas webinars on a range of workplace and employment law topics.
Investigations at work - Step 3: Carrying out an investigation
What should happen in an investigation - how long it should take, meetings, the right to be accompanied, getting evidence.
Talking with your employer about a problem - How to raise a problem
What to do if you've got a problem at work and want to raise it with someone.
Equality, diversity and inclusion policy template
Equality, diversity and inclusion policy template that you can adjust for your organisation.
Appealing a disciplinary or grievance - How to appeal
How to raise an appeal with your employer, including advice on who carries out the appeal process.