How employers can deal with bullying and discrimination complaints informally, without needing to use a formal procedure.
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Irregular hours and part-year workers - Carrying over holiday
When an irregular hours worker or part-year worker can carry over their holiday.
Mental health awareness – playing our part in making work better
Acas's Chief Executive talks about how we can play our part to raise mental health awareness.
Institute of Directors' Consultation on the proposed Code of Conduct for Directors – Acas response
Acas's response to the Institute of Directors' (IoD) consultation on the proposed Code of Conduct for Directors.
Equality, diversity and inclusion - Monitoring forms and surveys
How an employer can check equality, diversity and inclusion in their workplace and what they can do if it's not working successfully.
Hate crime at work
Advice for employees and employers on dealing with hate crime at work, including links to specialist help and support.
Code of Practice on handling requests for a predictable working pattern (draft)
Draft Code of Practice
Working from home and hybrid working
Advice on introducing, requesting and managing working from home and hybrid working.
Health and wellbeing
Advice on health and wellbeing at work, including disabilities, COVID-19 and mental health.
National Minimum Wage - Who gets the minimum wage
Who is entitled to the National Minimum Wage or National Living Wage.