When you can start your maternity leave and what happens if things change.
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Acas business plan
Acas's plan to help make working life better across Britain.
Managing work-related stress - Preventing stress
Steps employers and employees can take to prevent work-related stress.
Keeping in touch during absence
How and when employers and employees should keep in touch when someone is off work.
TUPE - If an employer is insolvent
What protections employees have under TUPE when their employer is insolvent.
Bonuses - Entitlement to a bonus
What bonuses are and who is entitled to them. What to do if a bonus is not paid.
TUPE: informing and consulting - When to consult
How much time employers must allow to inform and fully consult before a TUPE transfer.
Managing pregnancy and maternity - Pregnancy-related appointments
Rights your employee has for taking 'antenatal' (pregnancy-related) appointments.
Dress codes and appearance at work – research paper
Independent research findings from a study of employee perceptions and experiences of dress codes and appearance management policies at work.
Notice of disciplinary hearing letter: possible warning
A template letter to give an employee notice of a disciplinary hearing where a first or final written warning is being considered.