Advice on when it is legally required for employers to consult employees, and in some situations employee representatives.
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Written statements - What must be included
What an employer must put in writing in an employment contract ('written statement of employment particulars').
Maternity leave and pay - Checking your rights
Your rights during pregnancy and maternity, including leave, pay and returning to work.
Termination of an employment contract
How an employee or employer can end ('terminate') an employment contract. Resignation, dismissals and redundancy.
Returning to work after absence - Return to work meetings
Returning to work after time off, including return to work meetings and phased returns.
Final pay when someone leaves a job - Pay during the notice period
The person leaving should be paid as normal when they're working their notice period. This includes if they're willing to work but the employer has asked them not to.
Employment status - Employee
What it means to be legally classed as an employee, and what employment rights employees have.
Unauthorised absence and lateness - If there's no valid reason
What employers should do if an employee is off work or late to work with no reason, including if they're considering disciplinary action or dismissal.
Supporting disabled people at work - Capability and performance
What should happen if someone cannot do their job because of their disability, including carrying out capability and performance procedures.
Part-time workers - If someone's treated less favourably
What a part-time employee or worker can do if they're treated less favourably than someone who works full-time.