Statistical bulletin

Acas helpline data: October to December 2024


1. Introduction and main points

This quarterly statistical bulletin uses the Acas helpline data capture system (DCS) data to highlight trends seen within the Acas helpline service. The latest data in this bulletin was collected in October to December 2024 (quarter 3 2024 to 2025).

All values in this bulletin are rounded to zero decimal places unless specified otherwise.

Main points:

  • the helpline service handled around 158,500 calls this quarter, around a 11% increase on the previous quarter
  • around 85% of calls handled were employee-side calls, while around 10% were employer-side calls
  • the most common call topic this quarter was discipline, dismissal and grievance, with around 39% of calls related to this topic
  • the most common call subtopics this quarter were grievance procedure (16%), dismissal (14%), and non-payment or deduction of wage (10%)
  • employees were most likely to call the helpline with queries relating to discipline, dismissal and grievance, diversity and discrimination, and wages and National Minimum or Living Wage
  • employers were most likely to call the helpline with queries relating to absences, sickness and stress, and holiday and working time

2. Who is calling the helpline?

Call volumes

The helpline handled around 158,500 calls in October to December 2024. This is roughly an 11% increase on the previous quarter and roughly an 18% increase on July to September 2024. Values in Figure 1 have been rounded to 4 significant figures.

Figure 1: Helpline call volumes in the 5 latest quarters.
Bar chart showing quarterly numbers of helpline calls from October to December 2023 through to October to December 2024. Full data in following table.
Table of data: Helpline call volumes in the 5 latest quarters
Quarter Call volume
October to December 2023 134,900
January to March 2024 135,400
April to June 2024 129,700
July to September 2024 143,400
October to December 2024 158,500

Employee-side calls include calls from employees, third parties on behalf of employees, agency workers, apprentices, and interns whereas employer-side calls include calls from employers and third parties on behalf of employers.

Of the calls handled this quarter, 85% were employee-side calls and 10% were employer-side calls. This is similar to the previous quarter, where 85% of calls were employee-side and 11% of calls were employer-side. In quarter 3 last year, 84% of calls were employee-side, while 11% of calls were employer-side.

Figure 2: Helpline caller types
Bar chart showing that the majority of callers across different quarters were employees rather than employers. Full data in following table.

The legend order reflects the order of the categories across the bars.

Table of data: Helpline caller types
Type of caller October to December 2023 July to September 2024 October to December 2024
Employee-side 84% 85% 85%
Employer-side 11% 11% 10%
Other 2% 2% 2%
Unknown 3% 2% 3%

3. What are people calling about?

Call topics

Each data capture system record is assigned up to 5 call topics. These are assigned manually by the adviser and based on the subjects discussed during a call. The most common call topics in this period were:

  1. Discipline, dismissal and grievance (39% of data capture system records)
  2. Contracts (16%)
  3. Diversity and discrimination (13%)
Figure 3: Helpline call topics in October to December 2024
Bar chart showing the percentage of helpline calls assigned different topics in October to December 2024. Discipline, dismissal and grievance was by far the most common. Full data in the following table.

Data capture system records can be assigned up to 5 call topics, therefore percentages may not add up to 100%.

Table of data: Helpline call topics in October to December 2024
Call topic Percentage of helpline calls
Discipline, dismissal and grievance 39.3%
Contracts 16.2%
Diversity and discrimination 12.7%
Wages and National Minimum or Living Wage 12.7%
Redundancies, lay-offs and business transfers 12.6%
Others 10.8%
Absences, sickness and stress 10.3%
Holiday and working time 6.2%
Maternity, paternity and adoption 2.9%
Hot topics 0.1%

Table 1 highlights the change in the percentage of data capture system records with each call topic compared with the previous quarter and the same quarter in the previous year. A positive change means that a particular call topic was more common in the most recent quarter.

Table 1: Change in the percentage of helpline calls with each call topic
Call topics Percentage of helpline calls in October to December 2024 Percentage point change versus July to September 2024 Percentage point change versus October to December 2023
Discipline, dismissal and grievance 39.3 0.8 -0.5
Contracts 16.2 -0.7 0.0
Diversity and discrimination 12.7 0.2 1.1
Wages and National Minimum or Living Wage 12.7 -0.1 -0.5
Redundancies, lay-offs and business transfers 12.6 0.1 1.1
Others 10.8 0.6 0.3
Absences, sickness and stress 10.3 0.2 0.0
Holiday and working time 6.2 -0.1 -0.1
Maternity, paternity and adoption 2.9 -0.2 0.2
Hot topics 0.1 0.0 0.0

Change from period to period tends to be very small though year on year changes can be more significant and highlight emerging issues. However, the percentage of calls about each call topic have remained stable over the last 12 months, which suggests the issues that have been affecting employees and employers over the last year haven't changed much.

Call subtopics

Each call topic also has a number of subtopics. Up to 10 subtopics can be selected in each data capture system record. Figure 4 shows the most common subtopics this quarter. Figure 5 shows the most common subtopics last quarter. Figure 6 shows the most common subtopics in the equivalent quarter last year.

Data capture system records can be assigned up to 10 call subtopics, therefore percentages may not add up to 100%.

Figure 4: 10 most common helpline subtopics for October to December 2024
Bar chart showing the percentage of helpline calls assigned different subtopics in October to December 2024. Grievance procedure and dismissal were the most common. Full data in the following table.
Table of data: 10 most common helpline subtopics for October to December 2024
Call subtopic Percentage of helpline calls
Grievance procedure 16.1%
Dismissal 14.3%
Non-payment or deduction of wage 10.3%
Discipline procedure 10.2%
Redundancy procedure 9.1%
Disability 7.8%
Absence 7.2%
Other (others) 6.8%
Holiday entitlement 4.8%
Notice period or pay 4.6%
Figure 5: 10 most common helpline subtopics for July to September 2024
Bar chart showing the percentage of helpline calls assigned different subtopics in July to September 2024. Grievance procedure and dismissal were the most common. Full data in the following table
Table of data: 10 most common helpline subtopics for July to September 2024
Call subtopic Percentage of helpline calls
Grievance procedure 15.0%
Dismissal 14.3%
Non-payment or deduction of wage 10.3%
Discipline procedure 10.1%
Redundancy procedure 8.8%
Disability 7.7%
Absence 7.0%
Other (others) 6.3%
Notice period or pay 4.8%
Holiday entitlement 4.8%
Figure 6: 10 most common helpline subtopics for October to December 2023
Bar chart showing the percentage of helpline calls assigned different subtopics in October to December 2023. Grievance procedure and dismissal were the most common. Full data in the following table.
Table of data: 10 most common helpline subtopics for October to December 2023
Call subtopic Percentage of helpline calls
Grievance procedure 16.5%
Dismissal 14.3%
Non-payment or deduction of wage 10.9%
Discipline procedure 10.1%
Redundancy procedure 8.1%
Absence 7.4%
Other (others) 7.2%
Disability 7.1%
Notice period or pay 5.0%
Holiday entitlement 5.0%

4. What differences are there between employees and employers?

Employees and employers may call the Acas helpline for differing reasons. The figures below show the most common call topics and subtopics when employees call the helpline, compared with when employers call the helpline.

Figure 7: Helpline call topics by caller type for October to December 2024
Bar chart showing a comparison of call topics from employee and employer callers. Discipline, dismissal and grievance was the most common for both. Full data in the following table.

Data capture system records can be assigned up to 5 call topics, therefore percentages may not add up to 100%. The legend order reflects the order of the categories across the bars.

Table of data: Helpline call topics by caller type for October to December 2024
Topics Employee-side Employer-side
Discipline, dismissal and grievance 42.4% 28.7%
Contracts 16.6% 18.2%
Diversity and discrimination 14.0% 6.7%
Wages and National Minimum or Living Wage 13.8% 5.8%
Redundancies, lay-offs and business transfers 13.1% 14.4%
Absences, sickness and stress 10.1% 16.0%
Others 10.1% 10.7%
Holiday and working time 5.8% 11.5%
Maternity, paternity and adoption 2.6% 6.3%
Hot topics 0.1% 0.2%

Figure 7 shows that in this quarter employees were more likely to call the helpline with queries relating to discipline, dismissal and grievance, diversity and discrimination, and wages and National Minimum or Living Wage. Employers were more likely to call the helpline with queries relating to absences, sickness and stress, and holiday and working time.

Figures 8 and 9 show that dismissal, discipline procedure, and redundancy procedure were amongst the common subtopics for both employees and employers in October to December 2024.

Figure 8: Most common helpline subtopics for employees in October to December 2024
Bar chart showing that grievance procedure and dismissal were the most common subtopics for employees. Full data in the following table.

Data capture system records can be assigned up to 10 call subtopics, therefore percentages may not add up to 100%.

Table of data: Most common helpline subtopics for employees in October to December 2024
Subtopic Percentage of helpline calls
Grievance procedure 18.2%
Dismissal 15.1%
Non-payment or deduction of wage 11.5%
Discipline procedure 10.3%
Redundancy procedure 9.5%
Figure 9: Most common helpline subtopics for employers in October to December 2024.
Bar chart showing that discipline procedure and dismissal were the most common subtopics for employers. Full data in the following table.

Data capture system records can be assigned up to 10 call subtopics, therefore proportions may not add up to 100%.

Table of data: Most common helpline subtopics for employers in October to December 2024
Subtopic Percentage of helpline calls
Discipline procedure 13.3%
Dismissal 12.7%
Absence 11.2%
Redundancy procedure 9.5%
Holiday entitlement 9.5%

5. Glossary

Call volume

The number of inbound calls answered by helpline advisers within a specified time period.

Data capture system

The helpline data capture system (DCS) is used by helpline advisers to capture information on a call such as:

  • time and date of the call
  • certain characteristics of a caller
  • the subjects discussed during a call
  • any follow up actions from the call

Around 95% of helpline calls have associated data capture system records.

Employee-side calls

Calls answered by the helpline that were made by those who were employees, third parties on behalf of employees, agency workers, apprentices, and interns.

Employer-side calls

Calls answered by the helpline that were made by those who were employers, managers or third parties on behalf of employers and managers.

Call topics

High level subjects discussed during a call. Call topics are manually assigned to a call by advisers using the data capture system and each call can have up to 5 call topics assigned.

Call subtopics

More specific subjects discussed during a call. Each call topic has a number of associated subtopics advisers can assign to a call and each call can be assigned up to 10 call subtopics. A list of call topics and associated subtopics can be found in the background quality report for this data.

6. Quality

You can find more information in the background quality report on:

  • strengths in the data
  • limitations of the data
  • appropriate uses of the data
  • how the data were created