Reviewing and keeping a record Reasonable adjustments at work

It's important to review reasonable adjustments regularly and keep a record.

Reviewing reasonable adjustments

Someone's reasonable adjustments might need to change over time. For example if:

  • they're in a new situation – for example they've moved to a new role or they're going through a redundancy process
  • something changes at work – for example the employer introduces a new way of working, new equipment or a move to a new workplace
  • their condition or impairment changes
  • they're managing a disability that gets worse over time

To make sure the most appropriate adjustments are in place, anyone with reasonable adjustments should talk with their manager regularly. For example, this could be every 6 months or if something changes.

Use our reasonable adjustments review template

Keeping a record

Anyone asking for reasonable adjustments should consider doing this in writing, for example in an email or letter, as well as talking with the employer.

Reasonable adjustments passports

The disabled person can use a 'reasonable adjustments passport' to keep a record of:

  • how their disability affects them at work
  • the reasonable adjustments they've agreed with their employer
  • any reasonable adjustments they think they might need in the future

Using a reasonable adjustments passport means that:

  • the disabled person and their employer can make sure each reasonable adjustment is correct, practical and up to date
  • if someone's manager changes, they can show their new manager what's been agreed – this saves them having to go through the same process again

To create a reasonable adjustment passport, you can use or adapt the Health Adjustment Passport on GOV.UK.

You can also find out more about reasonable adjustments disability passports from the TUC.

If someone has worked in the armed forces, they can use a Service Leavers Adjustments Passport. Find out more about Service Leavers Adjustments Passports on GOV.UK.

Last reviewed