It's up to employers how they recruit for their organisation.
There are no set processes that are required by law. But employers must follow a fair process.
There are other laws that apply throughout the whole recruitment process, including:
- discrimination
- data protection
Employers should also follow good practice and any policies their organisation might have on:
- recruitment
- equality, diversity and inclusion
Find out more about improving equality, diversity and inclusion
If an applicant is a member of a trade union
It's against the law to treat someone less favourably or cause them detriment based on whether they are, or are not, a trade union member.
Detriment in recruitment might include:
- not being offered the job
- being offered the job but with worse terms and conditions
Get more advice and support
If you have questions about any stage of the recruitment process, contact the Acas helpline.
Acas also provides training for recruitment, selection and induction.
Last reviewed