Form elements - User interface guide

Form elements

Forms ask users to submit data.

Form elements include:

  • buttons
  • input boxes
  • radio buttons
  • checkboxes
  • errors


Buttons are simple rectangles containing text. They have a thin, teal border.

There are 2 types of button:

  • primary – background is teal, text is white
  • secondary – background is white, text is teal

On hover and focus, the colours swap:

  • primary – background is white, text is teal
  • secondary – background is teal, text is white
Important: This can be confusing on pages which have both types of button. We plan to fix this.

Examples of buttons

These are links styled as buttons:

Primary button

Secondary button

Input boxes

Input boxes have a thin, grey border with rounded corners.

They are used to input text.

Example of an input box

Screenshot of an input box with the label "Input box".

Radio buttons

Radio buttons are circles with a black border. The label text is in bold.

They have different states:

  • unselected – empty
  • selected – with a blue circle inside

On hover and focus, a teal outline surrounds the black border.

Examples of radio buttons

Screenshot of two radio buttons: an unselected radio button and a selected radio button.


Checkboxes are squares with a black border. The label text is in bold.

They have different states:

  • unselected – empty
  • selected – with a black 'tick' inside

On hover and focus, a teal outline surrounds the black border.

Examples of checkboxes

Screenshot of 2 checkboxes: an unselected checkbox and a selected checkbox.


Errors tell users that they have not completed a required field.

They appear when the user tries to submit a form page without completing all required fields.

Required fields can include:

  • input boxes
  • radio buttons
  • checkboxes

An error includes:

  • a red border – to the left of the field
  • red text – below the field label
Important: Errors are not consistent across the website. And on the Notify form, text sizing is inconsistent. We plan to fix this.

Example of an error

Screenshot of an input box with an error message. The label says "Input box", and between the label and the box itself is some red text saying "This is an error message". To the left is a red border.


Last reviewed