Making a request - Statutory flexible working requests

Making a request

As an employee making a statutory request, you must put your request in writing.

Before making a request, you should check:

  • who to send your request to
  • the limits for making a request, if you've made any previous requests

If you'd like a change to start in a specific week or month, it's a good idea to request it ahead of time. This is so your employer has enough time to consider it. Your employer must make a decision, including any appeal, within a maximum of 2 months.

Putting the request in writing

As an employee making a flexible working request, you must:

  • put the request in writing to your employer – either in a letter or email
  • say it's a 'statutory request' for flexible working

Your request must also include:

  • the date of your request
  • the change you're requesting – for example the change in your hours or place of work
  • when you'd like the change to start
  • if you have made any previous statutory flexible working requests to your employer
  • the date of any previous requests

Use our flexible working request letter template

Sending the request

As an employee, before making a request, check if your organisation's flexible working policy says:

  • who to send your request to
  • there's a specific form or document you need to use

If there's no policy, send your request to your employer or manager – either by email or letter.

Limits for making a request

As an employee, there are limits on the number of statutory requests you can make.

You can:

  • make a maximum of 2 requests during any 12-month period
  • only have one 'live' request with the same employer at a time

A request will stay live until any of the following happen:

  • your employer makes a decision
  • you withdraw your request
  • you and your employer agree an outcome
  • it's been 2 months since the date of your request

A request will stay live during:

  • any appeal
  • any extension to the 2-month decision period, if you and your employer agreed to extend it

Extending the time limit

You and your employer can extend the 2-month time limit if you both agree to it.

If you agree to an extension, your employer should confirm the extension in writing. For example, in a letter or email.

Last reviewed