Information on the role of independent experts in equal value claims at employment tribunals and Acas's statutory duty to maintain a panel and appoint them to cases when required.
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Managing pregnancy and maternity - Illness and difficult pregnancy
How to manage sickness or other difficulties a pregnant employee is having.
Irregular hours and part-year workers - Holiday pay
How to work out holiday pay for irregular hours workers and part-year workers, using the 52-week reference period.
Acas guide on managing people
Advice for both new and experienced managers.
TUPE: informing and consulting - What to consult about
What information both employers in a TUPE transfer must provide and what they must consult about.
Supporting disabled people at work - Disability-related absence
Advice for individuals and employers on managing time off related to disability, including reasonable adjustments for absence and pay while someone is off work.
Business skills training courses
Through our business skills courses, learn how to confidently manage complex processes like redundancy and TUPE, helping you save time and money.
TUPE - Transferring employees
What terms and conditions of employment transfer with employees in a TUPE transfer.
Final pay when someone leaves a job - Deductions for training courses
Employers can deduct money from pay for training courses if it was agreed in the contract or in writing beforehand.
Maternity leave and pay - Health at work during pregnancy
Your health and safety rights at work during pregnancy, including if you're sick.