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Call for evidence for new mental health and wellbeing plan – Acas response
Acas's response to the government's call for evidence for a new mental health and wellbeing plan.
Consulting employees and representatives - Holding a consultation
What employees should do before and during a consultation, including information on having a consultation policy.
Taking action on race equality
Acas's race champion Henicka Uddin on what we're doing to create a more inclusive workplace culture at Acas.
The Equality Act 2010, a:gender and me
Emma Dunn from a:gender talks about what the Equality Act has meant for trans people, and how it has led to change in the civil service.
Freedom of Information
Under the Freedom of Information Act, we share information about how we operate and spend our budget.
Acas response to consultation on draft Code of Practice on handling requests for flexible working
Acas consultation response
Acas response to consultation on the draft Acas Code of Practice on handling request for flexible work.
Maternity leave and pay - Returning to work
Your rights when you go back to work after maternity leave, including changing your working arrangements, redundancy and holiday entitlement.
Maternity leave and pay - Holiday
Your holiday entitlement rights when taking maternity leave.
Questions about discrimination at work - Asking your employer
How to ask your employer questions if you believe you have been discriminated against at work, and how employers should answer questions about a discrimination complaint.