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Investigations at work - Step 1: Deciding to investigate
The steps an employer should take to investigate a disciplinary or grievance issue.
Work-related stress: lifting the pressure at work
In this podcast episode, Chau Doan speaks to Rob McGreal and Francoise Woolley about how employers can reduce work-related stress.
Implementing flexible working - Types of flexible working
Examples of different types of flexible working employees and employers can use.
Implementing flexible working - What flexible working is
What flexible working is, benefits and steps for employers to use it in their organisation.
Working time rules - Understanding the Working Time Regulations
The limits on working time as set out under The Working Time Regulations 1998.
Rest and breaks at work - The right to rest
The daily and weekly rest breaks an employee is entitled to.
Disruption getting to work - Travel, weather and other issues
What employers and employees can do when travel problems, extreme weather and other disruption make it difficult to get to work.
Reasonable adjustments at work - What reasonable adjustments are
What reasonable adjustments are and when an employer must make them for someone with a disability.
Surrogacy rights at work - Becoming the child's legal parent
Your rights to leave, pay and returning to work when you have a child through surrogacy.