Under the Freedom of Information Act, we share information about how we operate and spend our budget.
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233 results found.
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Research and commentary
Research and discussion from Acas to help shape the future of work.
Religion or belief discrimination - What the law says
What religion or belief discrimination is, what you can do if you experience it at work, and what employers should do.
Using protected characteristics to make decisions - Positive action
When an employer can use positive action based on a particular protected characteristic to make decisions.
Sexual orientation discrimination - What the law says
How the Equality Act 2010 defines sexual orientation. Examples of discrimination and homophobia at work. How employees and employers can deal with it.
A meeting by any other name
Acas Chief Executive Susan Clews gives her views on employee voice as a part of consultation.
SME mental health: a good job, well done!
Ian MacArthur looks at how small and medium-sized enterprises can create supportive environments for mental health and wellbeing at work.
Are we all disruptive innovators now?
Acas Chief Executive Susan Clews looks at managing the unexpected and finding innovation in disruption.
Let's talk flexible working
A policy adviser at Acas discusses flexible working.
Acas modern slavery and human trafficking statement
What Acas is doing to minimise the potential risk of modern slavery in its business and supply chains, in line with the Modern Slavery Act 2015.