In this podcast episode, we talk about some important things to keep in mind when managing redundancies.
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Smarter Resolutions programme: evaluating Workstream 3 (optimised distribution) and Workstream 4 (large group claims)
The Smarter Resolutions programme is comprised of 4 operational workstreams that focus on improving different parts of the early conciliation process.
Religion or belief discrimination - What the law says
What religion or belief discrimination is, what you can do if you experience it at work, and what employers should do.
Consultation on Making Work Pay: creating a modern framework for industrial relations − Acas Council response
Acas Council response to the government's consultation on creating a modern framework for industrial relations.
Working time rules - Understanding the Working Time Regulations
The limits on working time as set out under The Working Time Regulations 1998.
Discrimination at work - Discrimination and the Equality Act 2010
What the Equality Act 2010 says about discrimination at work, including definitions of direct and indirect discrimination, harassment and victimisation.
Organisational case studies on flexible working: variations in practice
Independent research
Research looking at the flexible working practices in 5 different organisations across 5 sectors and their differences.