How to get advice if you cannot call our helpline

The quickest way to get advice from us is by calling the Acas helpline. During a call, an adviser can discuss your situation to give you the most relevant advice.

If you have an accessibility need that means you cannot call the Acas helpline, you can use our form to ask for advice in another way.

For example, if you:

  • find it difficult to speak on the phone
  • need a British Sign Language (BSL) interpreter
  • are not in the UK
  • do not have enough phone credit to call

We can respond either by:

  • email – usually within 10 working days
  • British Sign Language (BSL) or lip reading video call – usually within 2 working days
  • phone – usually within 5 working days

Our advice is free and confidential. To find out how we use, store and protect your personal information, read our privacy policy.
