Understanding neurodiversity
Neurodiversity describes the natural differences in how people's brains behave and process information.
Neurodiversity refers to the fact that we all:
- think, learn and act differently
- have different strengths and things we find challenging
Terms used in this advice
The language around neurodiversity changes over time. Some people might not like terms that other people are comfortable with. There's no term that everyone will prefer.
In this advice, we use neurodivergent to describe someone whose brain works differently to what is considered more typical. We also use the terms neurodivergence and neuroinclusive.
We sometimes use condition to refer to different types of neurodivergence.
Where possible, we use identity-first language. For example, we say someone 'is autistic', not 'has autism'. This is because a lot of people see neurodivergence as part of who they are, not something they have.
Types of neurodivergence
Neurodivergence is still being researched and understood.
However, some well-known types of neurodivergence are:
- autism
- dyslexia
- dyspraxia
Other types of neurodivergence include:
- dyscalculia – a specific and persistent difficulty in understanding numbers
- Tourette's syndrome
There's disagreement about whether mental health problems are types of neurodivergence. However, neurodivergent people can often experience mental ill health.
It's common for someone to have more than one type of neurodivergence. This is sometimes called 'co-occurring conditions'.
People can often experience their neurodivergence differently. The strengths and challenges that come with a condition will not be the same for everyone.
ADHD stands for 'attention deficit hyperactivity disorder'. It sometimes affects someone's behaviour. Someone with ADHD might refer to themselves as an 'ADHDer'.
Someone with ADHD might:
- find it difficult to concentrate on tasks
- struggle with time management and organisation
- have trouble following instructions
- have times of hyperfocus – where they're entirely focused on a task
- be good at thinking creatively
- have lots of energy
Find out more about ADHD from the Brain Charity
Autism affects how people communicate and interact with the world.
Autism is sometimes referred to as a 'spectrum condition'.
Someone who's autistic might:
- take things literally
- react differently to senses like sound and smell
- get anxious about social situations
- have difficulty interpreting social cues – for example, facial expressions and body language
- like a consistent routine
- seem rude without meaning to
- have a keen interest and expertise in particular topics
- have good attention to detail
- be good at problem-solving and thinking creatively
- have a good memory
Find out more about autism from the National Autistic Society
Dyslexia mostly affects reading and writing skills. It can also affect how someone processes information more generally.
Dyslexia is sometimes referred to as a learning difficulty.
Someone who's dyslexic might:
- read or write slowly
- find it difficult to listen and concentrate
- forget things easily
- have difficulty with spelling
- be good at problem-solving and thinking creatively
- have strong verbal communication skills
- be good at tasks involving 3D shapes and spaces
Find out more about dyslexia from the British Dyslexia Association
Dyspraxia affects movement and co-ordination. It is sometimes called 'developmental co-ordination disorder'.
Someone who's dyspraxic might:
- have poor balance
- have difficulty pronouncing some words
- take longer to do some tasks
- have strong verbal communication skills
- be good at thinking creatively
Find out more about dyspraxia on the NHS website
Neurodivergent employees might mask their condition at work. Masking means hiding parts of a condition to fit in better. Someone might not be aware they're doing it.
Masking can cause mental health problems. It can make someone feel:
- exhausted
- isolated
- like they cannot be themselves
People might not need to mask as much if they feel comfortable at work. Employers can help by:
- taking steps to make their organisation neuroinclusive
- thinking about how they talk about neurodiversity
Find out more about masking from the Brain Charity
Whether neurodivergence is a disability
Some neurodivergent people do not see themselves as disabled. However, being neurodivergent will often amount to a disability under the Equality Act 2010. This law gives rights and protections to disabled employees. For example:
- the right not to be discriminated against because of a disability
- the right to reasonable adjustments
Disabled employees might also be able to get support from Access to Work. This is a government scheme to help people get or stay in work.
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Disability discrimination
An employer must not discriminate against disabled employees. This includes neurodivergent employees if their condition meets the definition of a disability under the Equality Act 2010.
Example of disability discrimination
Sam is disciplined for quoting offensive terms during an equality training session. The employer has a zero-tolerance policy for this type of behaviour.
Sam is dyslexic and says they did not mean to offend anybody. Their dyslexia can cause them to lose their train of thought when focusing on complex questions. This leads them to say things impulsively.
Sam's employer is aware that Sam is dyslexic. But having a policy that stopped them from taking this into account is likely to be disability discrimination.
Find out more about disability discrimination
If an employee experiences unwanted behaviour
Unwanted behaviour related to neurodivergence is likely to be disability discrimination. For example, it could be harassment.
An employee could also:
- receive unwanted comments because someone incorrectly thinks they're neurodivergent – this can be a type of disability discrimination called 'discrimination by perception'
- experience bullying that's not classed as discrimination – this could still cause legal issues, for example constructive dismissal
Employers should also take steps to prevent bullying and harassment related to neurodivergence. Making an organisation more inclusive can help with this. For example, by raising awareness of neurodiversity through training and events.
If an employee has experienced unwanted behaviour, they should raise it with their employer as soon as possible.
Employers should take complaints seriously and look into it as soon as possible.
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