Learn how to respond positively and confidently when employees have health and wellbeing issues at work.
Our team of workplace experts deliver courses that can help you manage health and wellbeing in your organisation.
What you'll learn
Across our health and wellbeing courses you'll learn how to:
- understand the law and your legal responsibilities
- spot early signs of health and wellbeing issues in your organisation
- implement health and wellbeing best practice at work
- manage staff absences and retain staff over longer periods
- develop support networks and promote understanding of health and wellbeing
- encourage employees to recognise and address their own health and wellbeing needs
"Having the opportunity to meet in a small group meant that issues we were facing in the workplace could be discussed and both the presenters and delegates could offer their thoughts about specific issues."
– Personnel manager
Find a course
We offer the following health and wellbeing courses:
- menopause and the workplace
- mental health in the workplace
Visit our training website to sign up for courses
How Acas training courses can help you
Acas is an independent public body with over 45 years' experience in giving impartial advice on employment rights and best practice.
Through a mixture of presentations, discussions and interactive exercises, our training courses will give you practical tips you can use in your organisation.
"This was one of the best training sessions I have attended in a while. The content really did help to give me an insight about how to deal with issues surrounding mental health in the workplace."
– Mental health in the workplace course attendee
Who the courses are for
Our health and wellbeing courses are for people from all sectors of work, including:
- managers, supervisors and team leaders
- HR professionals
- business owners
- trade union representatives
- employee representatives
- individuals who want to further their professional development
How they are delivered
We offer courses both remotely and face to face. You'll be in small groups with participants from a wide range of organisations, giving you opportunities to share experiences.
We recognise that every organisation is different. To save you time and money, we can deliver bespoke training at your workplace. To find out more, contact the Acas Training and Customer Services team.
You can also find out how we make our training accessible.