Your conciliator Early conciliation: getting an agreement

Your conciliator will work with you to see if you can reach an agreement without going to a tribunal.

We'll be impartial

Acas is impartial, which means we're not on either side. 

Our conciliators can:

  • explain the conciliation process
  • talk through the facts and issues with both sides
  • talk through possible options
  • discuss how you may be able to solve the dispute without going to tribunal

Acas conciliators are not able to: 

  • take sides
  • represent either side
  • tell you whether to agree on a settlement
  • say how strong or weak your case is
  • help you prepare your case for tribunal
  • make a judgement on how your case could turn out

Conciliators will be able to tell where you can go to get support you need, for example, legal advice or emotional support.

We'll keep you updated

Your conciliator will keep you informed of any progress with the case and if you need to provide anything to move the case forward.

You might need to wait to hear back from your conciliator sometimes if they're waiting for a reply from the other side.

Your conciliator will do what they can to keep the case moving and help you reach an agreement to resolve your dispute.

Last reviewed