48-hour opt-out agreement template

Template for agreeing to work more than an average of 48 hours a week. Free to download and use.

If an employee chooses to work more than the 48-hour weekly maximum, they should sign an opt-out agreement.

It's up to an employee to decide if they want to opt out.

An employee can cancel an opt-out agreement at any time. They must give their employer notice if they want to do this. This notice period must not be more than 3 months.

Find out more about the 48-hour weekly maximum and opting out


I [employee's name] agree that I may work for more than an average of 48 hours a week.

If I change my mind, I will give my employer [amount of time] notice in writing to end this agreement.



Download this template

If you need the template in a different format, email digital@acas.org.uk

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