Annual report and accounts 2023 to 2024

In the financial year 2023 to 2024, Acas's services performed exceptionally well. We met or exceeded 6 out of 7 of our targets.

We are also on track to achieve the ambitions we set out in our 2021 to 2025 strategy.

Highlights of this include:

  • resolving disputes – reaching a settlement in 94% of collective conciliation disputes, exceeding our target of 88%
  • reaching settlements – bringing about a settlement or other positive outcome in 38% of early conciliation notifications, the highest since early conciliation began in 2014
  • supporting customers – increasing the number of people we reach through training and advisory services by 43%
  • informing policy – responding to government consultations and publishing a new Acas Code of Practice on requests for flexible working
  • simplifying the way we operate to respond to increasing demand for our services

Our year in numbers

Our expenditure was £60.6 million.

By delivering our services more efficiently, we reduced the cost of:

  • collective conciliation cases by 30%
  • processing individual conciliation cases by 11%
  • arbitration hearings by 51%

We continued to provide advice and training for employers and employees. There were:

  • 17.9 million visits to our website
  • 12 million visits to our advice
  • 578,000 calls to the Acas helpline
  • 2,100 training sessions delivered

We also continued to resolve disputes, handling:

  • 600 collective conciliations
  • 105,000 early conciliation notifications
  • 33,500 individual conciliations

Read the full report

Find out about the positive impact Acas services have had on employers and employees across England, Scotland and Wales.

Read the full Acas annual report and accounts 2023 to 2024 on GOV.UK

Last reviewed